Powislanski University
UNIVERSITY: Powislanski University
LOCATION: Kwidzyn, Poland
The University''s mission, which is to provide students and postgraduate students with open conditions for access to knowledge at the highest possible level - both in terms of theory and practice, translates into the quality of life of society in local, regional and national terms.
One of the motives of the University is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the society by creating, expanding and disseminating up-to-date and reliable knowledge e.g. in the field of economy, management, medical sciences and health sciences in order to use it in personal and professional development of the academic community as well as to develop the ability to use it effectively and efficiently in the educational process and in professional practice and, consequently, to exert a positive influence on the society the project has a significant impact on the development of the economy in the micro and macroeconomic terms.
PowiĆlaĆski University has the task of implementing the widely understood mission, which is a high level of education, ensuring its students an efficient functioning in the labour market with the use of thorough knowledge and practical skills through the use of many years of professional experience of its staff and investment in their continuous professional and scientific development.
In all areas of its activity, as well as in the realization of its mission, vision and strategic goals, the PowiĆlaĆski University refers to the tradition of the best universities in Poland and abroad, as well as to the assumptions of the European Area of Higher Education. The University recognizes the independence of thoughts and attitudes as a priority and follows the universally recognized academic principles and values. Considering the processes occurring in the world, including globalization, regionalism, dynamically changing labour market (also caused by the current epidemic situation in the world), the University prepares the staff able to meet the requirements of the modern market, creating among the students the attitude of openness, mutual respect and tolerance.
Since the beginning of the university existence, the teaching and research staff has been guided by the idea of educating students in respect for civil freedom and ethical principles.
The PowiĆlaĆski University, drawing experience from over twenty years of its own tradition, wishes to create the future of the University based on the principles, which have led to the
present image of the University in the 21st century i.e. VISIONARY, CREATIVITY, RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE RISK.
The University''s message is to contribute to increasing the quality of life of the society by creating, expanding and disseminating knowledge, creating the ability to use it in practice and shaping attitudes.
The University cares for the high quality of education in all fields of study, while taking into account the needs of the modern labour market and the principle of lifelong learning. PSW develops contacts with the academic community in the country and abroad as well as with the national and regional institutional, economic and social environment.
In a rapidly changing world, the University strives to maintain its current role, i.e. generating changes through education and scientific research (dissemination of their results) and responding to new expectations of the environment caused by these changes. The University pursues its goals with the participation of the entire Academic Community of the University: teaching, research and teaching staff, students and graduates, as well as administration employees, and also with the participation of the PowiĆlaĆski University Employers'' Council.