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ISPED School of Public Health

The medical and social consequences of increasing life expectancy, the need to control health expenditure, the multiple problems posed by HIV infection worldwide, and the demand for increased health challenges to contemporary societies.

Public health helps to meet these challenges, by analyzing the health status of human populations, its consequences and its determinants of all kinds, biological, social or cultural, environmental or genetic.
Public health is not just about the medical sector. The implementation, monitoring and evaluation of decisions require the intervention of medical and non-medical specialists capable of understanding and treating problems in their entirety.

ISPED is closely linked to the different structures involved in the vast field of Public Health. It provides teaching and research activities nationally and internationally. In particular, it has special relations with many developing countries: setting up specific courses, hosting foreign students, carrying out cooperative research projects, and expert missions.

The Victor Segalen University Bordeaux II created in 1989 a Public Health Training and Research Unit (UFR), transformed in March 1997 into the Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology and Development (ISPED).