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School of Health Sciences

AAC strives to make academic studies more accessible to people living in the south-western part of Israel; to develop innovative methods of teaching and learning; to set high standards of academic research and international cooperation; to achieve academic excellence by providing scholarships for outstanding students, to foster research with establishment of research institutes in various disciplines.

Ashkelon Academic College?s School of Health Sciences offers a B.A in Public Health (B.A), a B.A in Nursing (BSN), and a B.A in Nutrition (B.Sc.). Opening the School of Health Sciences, named after Professor Moshe Mani, who served as Ashkelon Academic College?s first President, is part of AAC policy to expand access to higher education in the field of health services, and offer residents of southern Israel the chance to promote this field in their region. Courses are taught by senior lecturers and researchers who provide students with academic and professional advice, and a personalized approach.