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Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+)

The Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+) assembles public health sciences across Switzerland into one national inter-university faculty. The SSPH+ faculty?s expertise mirrors the scientific and professional field of public health, which encompasses a broad range of disciplines, spread across universities, faculties, and institutions. The SSPH+ ?virtual inter-university faculty? with over 200 professors in public health sciences provides a promising base from which to strengthen a cohesive and competent public health structure where the togetherness and critical mass provides an added value.

From January 2019, the SSPH+ Foundation incorporates ten Swiss universities (Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, USI, Zurich and the universities of applied sciences, SUPSI and ZHAW). SSPH+ is coordinated by its Dean?s office ? a lean administrative structure to orchestrate collaborations and activities.

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) - the largest constituency of the Swiss School of Public Health - uniquely combines research, services, and education and training to improve population health around the globe.

Our courses/programmes are practice-oriented and evidenced-based. Students can choose from a diverse teaching portfolio, covering topics such as international health, clinical practice, management and global health in the Swiss context.

Education and Training at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

SwissTPH Professional Postgraduate Training: Programmes and Courses Overview